Cagatay Civici

Cagatay Civici

Publish Date
Sep 7, 2021
Video preview
In this episode I talk to the founder of PrimeTek, Cagatay Civici. We discuss open-source communities, how to leverage competitor's weaknesses, why timing plays a big role in your project's success, no-code projects and much more.
Key learnings:
  • Strive towards your hobby, turn it into a passion project.
  • Be active in online communities. Listen to their pain points. Provide members with a better solution.
  • Market your product by going to conferences and sharing your solution with the wider community.
  • Timing and hard work are crucial. Being an early adopter pays dividends in the long run.
  • Pay attention to where the market is going. Experiment with your business model.
  • Don't be a superman, don't do everything yourself. Build a team to sustain your business.
  • Never be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. To stay relevant you must adapt.
Call to action for this episode:
  • Comment below if you're interested in helping out spread the word for PrimeVue library.
Ali Farooq (host)