In this episode I talk to the co-founder of Chilipepper, Adrian Calderon, who's bootstrapped Chilipepper to ~$130 MRR in the first month. We discuss Notion community, how to quickly get your product off the ground, strong values amongst founders, leveraging notion's growth, growth hacks, product simplicity and much more.
Key learnings:
- Pay close attention to the challenges people are facing in your local social circles.
- Ride the market wave.
- Finding a team-member who shares the same values.
- Take advantage of an existing ecosystem.
- Keep it super simple.
Call to action for this episode:
- If you're good at content marketing/SEO, get in touch with Adrian Calderon.
- Checkout chellipeper if you're looking for Notion forms.
Ali Farooq (host)
Website: tijarahpodcast.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ali.farooq0/
Telegram: https://t.me/alifarooq0
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-farooq0/